diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 24e2c1204e6f697d6373e088cadb3165a994f5c5..bdb8804917beb7397f8bc78da33479b259a53e0c 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -23,13 +23,29 @@ stages:
   - Documentation
   - Pip
-Test API:
+  allow_failure: false
+Test Upload:
+  extends: .static_analysis_with_pip_install
+  stage: Test
+  except: [main]
+  script:
+    - python tests/test_upload.py
+      python tests/test_upload.py
+Test Get:
+  extends: .static_analysis_with_pip_install
+  stage: Test
+  except: [main]
+  script:
+    - python tests/test_get.py
+Test Diff:
   extends: .static_analysis_with_pip_install
   stage: Test
-  allow_failure: false
   except: [main]
-   - python tests/all.py
-     python tests/all.py
+    - python tests/test_diff.py
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 18b4aebdaca6778403e1e92b4739f60b01448fda..dd6e7a8fd6d233bb57e26f7391cae6379868ba57 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 **Theia-dumper** enables to upload Spatio Temporal Assets Catalogs (STAC) on the 
-THEIA-MTP geospatial data center.
+THEIA-MTD geospatial data center.
 For more information read the [documentation](https://cdos-pub.pages.mia.inra.fr/theia-dumper).
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 1082b9b1659cd7a4b3a1cc2e4c279c3aa0d7c426..05c6645e83b9da64c6e571b8803c30138e3e4e25 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,16 +4,18 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
 name = "theia_dumper"
-version = "0.0.5"
 description = "THEIA-MTP geospatial data publisher"
+dynamic = ["version"]
 authors = [{ name = "Rémi Cresson", email = "remi.cresson@inrae.fr" }]
 requires-python = ">=3.9"
 dependencies = [
-    "dinamis_sdk>=0.4.0",
+    "dinamis_sdk>=0.4.1",
+    "click",
+    "rich",
 license = { text = "Apache-2.0" }
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ pretty = true
 exclude = ["doc", "venv", ".venv"]
-disable = "W1203,R0903,E0401,W0622,C0116,C0115"
+disable = "W1203,R0903,E0401,W0622,C0116,C0115,W0719"
 ignore-paths = '^.venv'
diff --git a/tests/test_diff.py b/tests/test_diff.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e0aebb0d04109fa25a1a2a7e6b3372c07643e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_diff.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+"""Test file."""
+import test_upload
+import pystac
+from theia_dumper import stac, diff
+col1, items = test_upload.create_items_and_collection(
+    relative=True, col_href="/tmp/collection.json"
+col2 = col1.full_copy()
+item = items[0].full_copy()
+item.id += "_test"
+col2.add_item(item, item.id)
+item = items[0].full_copy()
+item.id += "_test_other"
+col1.add_item(item, item.id)
+diff.generate_items_diff(col1, col2)
+diff.collections_defs_are_different(col1, col2)
+COL1_FILEPATH = "/tmp/col1.json"
+    stac.StacTransactionsHandler(stac.DEFAULT_STAC_EP),
+    "costarica-sentinel-2-l3-seasonal-spectral-indices-M",
diff --git a/tests/test_get.py b/tests/test_get.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..652169c1b0ae095eaf0cb447aca561ff3a1aba74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_get.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+"""Test file."""
+from theia_dumper import stac, cli
+handler = stac.StacTransactionsHandler(
+    stac_endpoint=cli.DEFAULT_STAC_EP,
+REMOTE_COL_ID = "spot-6-7-drs"
+col_remote = handler.get_remote_col(REMOTE_COL_ID)
+col_items = handler.list_col_items(REMOTE_COL_ID)
diff --git a/tests/all.py b/tests/test_upload.py
similarity index 81%
rename from tests/all.py
rename to tests/test_upload.py
index 9143fb0e0a43aa0e1da2c66ed7d3fe97a91a928e..5355e784f7060e0249a5d969eca178e37f103d34 100755
--- a/tests/all.py
+++ b/tests/test_upload.py
@@ -12,32 +12,30 @@ import requests
 from theia_dumper import stac
+DEFAULT_COL_HREF = "http://hello.fr/collections/collection-for-tests"
 STAC_EP = "https://stacapi-cdos.apps.okd.crocc.meso.umontpellier.fr"
-handler = stac.TransactionsHandler(
-    stac_endpoint=STAC_EP,
-    storage_endpoint="https://s3-data.meso.umontpellier.fr",
-    storage_bucket="sm1-gdc-tests",
-    assets_overwrite=True,
 COL_ID = "collection-for-theia-dumper-tests"
 items_ids = ["item_1", "item_2"]
 RASTER_FILE1 = "/tmp/raster1.tif"
 RASTER_FILE2 = "/tmp/raster2.tif"
+handler = stac.StacUploadTransactionsHandler(
+    stac_endpoint=STAC_EP,
+    storage_endpoint="https://s3-data.meso.umontpellier.fr",
+    storage_bucket="sm1-gdc-tests",
+    assets_overwrite=True,
 with open(RASTER_FILE1, "wb") as f:
     r = requests.get(IMAGE_HREF, timeout=5)
 shutil.copyfile(RASTER_FILE1, RASTER_FILE2)
-COL_BBOX = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+COL_BBOX = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
@@ -57,20 +55,26 @@ COORDS2 = [[coord + 5 for coord in coords] for coords in COORDS1]
 def clear():
     """Clear all test items and collection."""
     for item_id in items_ids:
-        handler.delete(col_id=COL_ID, item_id=item_id)
-    handler.delete(col_id=COL_ID)
+        handler.delete_item_or_col(col_id=COL_ID, item_id=item_id)
+    handler.delete_item_or_col(col_id=COL_ID)
-def check(expected_bbox):
-    """Check collection extent."""
+def remote_col_test(expected_bbox):
+    """Run tests on a remote collection."""
     api = pystac_client.Client.open(STAC_EP)
-    extent = api.get_collection(COL_ID).extent.spatial.bboxes
-    print(f"extent.spatial: {extent}")
+    col = api.get_collection(COL_ID)
+    extent = col.extent.spatial.bboxes
     assert len(extent) == 1
     assert tuple(extent[0]) == tuple(expected_bbox), (
         f"expected BBOX: {expected_bbox}, got {extent[0]}"
+    # Check that assets are accessible once signed
+    for i in col.get_items():
+        assets = i.get_assets().values()
+        for asset in assets:
+            assert stac.asset_exists(asset.href)
 def create_item(item_id: str):
     """Create a STAC item."""
@@ -98,15 +102,15 @@ def create_item(item_id: str):
     return item
-def create_collection():
+def create_collection(col_href: str):
     """Create an empty STAC collection."""
     spat_extent = pystac.SpatialExtent([COL_BBOX])
-    temp_extent = pystac.TemporalExtent(intervals=[(None, None)])
+    temp_extent = pystac.TemporalExtent(intervals=[[None, None]])  # type: ignore
     col = pystac.Collection(
         extent=pystac.Extent(spat_extent, temp_extent),
         description="Some description",
-        href="http://hello.fr/collections/collection-for-tests",
+        href=col_href,
@@ -114,13 +118,13 @@ def create_collection():
     return col
-def create_items_and_collection(relative, items=None):
+def create_items_and_collection(relative, items=None, col_href=DEFAULT_COL_HREF):
     """Create two STAC items attached to one collection."""
     # Create items
     items = items or [create_item(item_id=item_id) for item_id in items_ids]
     # Attach items to collection
-    col = create_collection()
+    col = create_collection(col_href)
     for item in items:
     if relative:
@@ -155,13 +159,13 @@ def test_item_collection():
         print(f"Relative: {relative}")
         # we need to create an empty collection before
-        col = create_collection()
+        col = create_collection(DEFAULT_COL_HREF)
         with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp:
             generate_item_collection(tmp.name, relative=relative)
-            check(BBOX_ALL)
+            remote_col_test(BBOX_ALL)
@@ -172,7 +176,7 @@ def test_collection():
         with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
             generate_collection(tmpdir, relative=relative)
             handler.load_and_publish(os.path.join(tmpdir, "collection.json"))
-            check(BBOX_ALL)
+            remote_col_test(BBOX_ALL)
@@ -186,20 +190,17 @@ def test_collection_multipart():
                     tmpdir, relative=relative, items=[create_item(item_id)]
                 handler.load_and_publish(os.path.join(tmpdir, "collection.json"))
-        check(BBOX_ALL)
+        remote_col_test(BBOX_ALL)
-def test_all():
-    """Test all."""
-    # test collection
+def _test_all():
-    # test item collection
-    # test collection (multi-part)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    _test_all()
diff --git a/theia_dumper/__init__.py b/theia_dumper/__init__.py
index 03970df13c1d94d863e594d033f6c21c77839c14..ec8539461cdb7667033272a0675ef109ae8da6c9 100644
--- a/theia_dumper/__init__.py
+++ b/theia_dumper/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
 """Theia dumper package."""
+__version__ = "0.1.0"
diff --git a/theia_dumper/cli.py b/theia_dumper/cli.py
index 8f6f70d2939ebdcc1cc9cfd5a00012e544a38ac6..1627dca554e23093acaf6dc3d4621969c817fcfa 100644
--- a/theia_dumper/cli.py
+++ b/theia_dumper/cli.py
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 """Theia-dumper Command Line Interface."""
 import click
-from .stac import TransactionsHandler, delete_stac_obj
-DEFAULT_STAC_EP = "https://stacapi-cdos.apps.okd.crocc.meso.umontpellier.fr"
+from .stac import (
+    StacUploadTransactionsHandler,
+    StacTransactionsHandler,
+from . import diff
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ def theia_dumper() -> None:
     help="Storage endpoint assets will be sent to",
-    default="https://s3-data.meso.umontpellier.fr",
+    default=DEFAULT_S3_EP,
@@ -48,13 +51,12 @@ def publish(
     overwrite: bool,
     """Publish a STAC object (collection or item collection)."""
-    handler = TransactionsHandler(
+    StacUploadTransactionsHandler(
-    )
-    handler.load_and_publish(stac_obj_path)
+    ).load_and_publish(stac_obj_path)
 @theia_dumper.command(context_settings={"show_default": True})
@@ -71,5 +73,72 @@ def delete(
     col_id: str,
     item_id: str,
-    """Publish a STAC object (collection or item collection)."""
-    delete_stac_obj(stac_endpoint=stac_endpoint, col_id=col_id, item_id=item_id)
+    """Delete a STAC object (collection or item)."""
+    StacTransactionsHandler(
+        stac_endpoint=stac_endpoint,
+    ).delete_item_or_col(col_id=col_id, item_id=item_id)
+@theia_dumper.command(context_settings={"show_default": True})
+    "--stac_endpoint",
+    help="Endpoint to which STAC objects will be sent",
+    type=str,
+    default=DEFAULT_STAC_EP,
+def list_cols(
+    stac_endpoint: str,
+    """List collections."""
+    StacTransactionsHandler(
+        stac_endpoint=stac_endpoint,
+    ).list_collections_display()
+@theia_dumper.command(context_settings={"show_default": True})
+    "--stac_endpoint",
+    help="Endpoint to which STAC objects will be sent",
+    type=str,
+    default=DEFAULT_STAC_EP,
+@click.option("-c", "--col_id", type=str, help="STAC collection ID", required=True)
+    "-m", "--max_items", type=int, help="Max number of items to display", default=20
+def list_col_items(
+    stac_endpoint: str,
+    col_id: str,
+    max_items: int,
+    """List collection items."""
+    StacTransactionsHandler(
+        stac_endpoint=stac_endpoint,
+    ).list_col_items_display(col_id=col_id, max_items=max_items)
+@theia_dumper.command(context_settings={"show_default": True})
+    "--stac_endpoint",
+    help="Endpoint to which STAC objects will be sent",
+    type=str,
+    default=DEFAULT_STAC_EP,
+@click.option("-p", "--col_path", type=str, help="Local collection path", required=True)
+    "-r",
+    "--remote_id",
+    type=str,
+    help="Remote collection ID. If not specified, will use local collection ID",
+    required=False,
+def collection_diff(
+    stac_endpoint: str,
+    col_path: str,
+    remote_id: str | None = None,
+    """List collection items."""
+    handler = StacTransactionsHandler(
+        stac_endpoint=stac_endpoint,
+    )
+    diff.compare_local_and_upstream(handler, col_path, remote_id)
diff --git a/theia_dumper/diff.py b/theia_dumper/diff.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52032ee524b50657f9e17ecc48764c8a37dc2c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theia_dumper/diff.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+"""STAC diff tool."""
+from typing import Tuple, List, cast
+from pystac import Collection, Item
+from rich import print
+from .logger import logger
+from . import stac
+UNIQUE_SEP = "___"
+def collections_defs_are_different(col1: Collection, col2: Collection) -> bool:
+    """Compute the diff between 2 STAC collections."""
+    def fields_are_different(col1: Collection, col2: Collection, field_name: str):
+        recursive_fields = field_name.split(".")
+        f1 = col1
+        f2 = col2
+        for f in recursive_fields:
+            f1 = getattr(f1, f)
+            f2 = getattr(f2, f)
+        if f1 != f2:
+            logger.info(f"{field_name} is different: '{f1}' != '{f2}'")
+            return True
+        return False
+    fields = [
+        "extent.spatial.bboxes",
+        "extent.temporal.intervals",
+        "description",
+        "id",
+        "keywords",
+        "license",
+        "strategy",
+        "providers",
+        "title",
+    ]
+    return any(fields_are_different(col1, col2, field) for field in fields)
+def generate_items_diff(
+    col1: Collection, col2: Collection
+) -> Tuple[List[Item], List[Item]]:
+    """Compute the diff between 2 STAC collections.
+    Returns:
+    - list of items only in collection 1
+    - list of items only in collection 2
+    """
+    def item_get_unique(i: Item) -> str:
+        return i.id + UNIQUE_SEP + str(i.datetime.isoformat() if i.datetime else "")
+    col1_ids = [item_get_unique(i) for i in col1.get_items()]
+    col2_ids = [item_get_unique(i) for i in col2.get_items()]
+    only_in_1 = set(col1_ids) - set(col2_ids)
+    only_in_2 = set(col2_ids) - set(col1_ids)
+    def unique_retrieve_info(unique: str, col: Collection) -> Item:
+        id = unique.split(UNIQUE_SEP)[0]
+        item = col.get_item(id)
+        if not item:
+            raise Exception(f"Item {id} not found")
+        return item
+    list_only_in_1 = [unique_retrieve_info(unique, col1) for unique in only_in_1]
+    list_only_in_2 = [unique_retrieve_info(unique, col2) for unique in only_in_2]
+    return list_only_in_1, list_only_in_2
+def compare_local_and_upstream(
+    handler: stac.StacTransactionsHandler,
+    local_col_path: str,
+    remote_col_id: str | None = None,
+    """Compare a local and a remote collection.
+    Args:
+        handler (stac.StacTransactionHandler): object to handle the connection
+        local_col_path (str): path to local collection path
+        remote_col_id (str | None, optional): Remote collection identifier.
+            If unset, will take the same id as the local collection
+    """
+    col_local = cast(Collection, stac.load_stac_obj(obj_pth=local_col_path))
+    if not remote_col_id:
+        remote_col_id = col_local.id
+    col_remote = handler.get_remote_col(remote_col_id)
+    only_local, only_remote = generate_items_diff(col_local, col_remote)
+    collections_defs_are_different(col_local, col_remote)
+    print(f"Only local ({len(only_local)}):")
+    print(only_local[:20])
+    print(f"Only remote ({len(only_remote)}):")
+    print(only_remote[:20])
diff --git a/theia_dumper/stac.py b/theia_dumper/stac.py
index 1a9026849cf4ab2350b36485a84f68e22b63b9ab..6ea96ee05e08c198c3cecdbebb048c0781dede24 100644
--- a/theia_dumper/stac.py
+++ b/theia_dumper/stac.py
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 """STAC stuff."""
 import os
+import re
 from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import List
+from typing import List, cast
 from urllib.parse import urljoin
+import operator
 import dinamis_sdk
 import pystac
@@ -14,6 +16,9 @@ from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
 from .logger import logger
+DEFAULT_STAC_EP = "https://stacapi-cdos.apps.okd.crocc.meso.umontpellier.fr"
+DEFAULT_S3_EP = "https://s3-data.meso.umontpellier.fr"
 class STACObjectUnresolved(Exception):
     """Unresolved STAC object exception."""
@@ -23,6 +28,14 @@ class UnconsistentCollectionIDs(Exception):
     """Inconsistent STAC collection exception."""
+def _check_naming_is_compliant(s: str, allow_dot=False):
+    _s = re.sub(r"[-|_]", r"", s)
+    if allow_dot:
+        _s = re.sub(r"\.", r"", _s)
+    if not _s.isalnum():
+        raise Exception(f"{_s} does not only contain alphanumeric or - or _ chars")
 def create_session():
     """Create a requests session."""
     sess = requests.Session()
@@ -54,6 +67,16 @@ def create_session():
     return sess
+def asset_exists(url: str) -> bool:
+    """Check that the item provided in parameter exists and is accessible."""
+    sess = create_session()
+    res = sess.get(dinamis_sdk.sign(url), stream=True)
+    if res.status_code == 200:
+        logger.info("Asset %s already exists. Skipping.", url)
+        return True
+    return False
 def post_or_put(url: str, data: dict):
     """Post or put data to url."""
     headers = dinamis_sdk.get_headers()
@@ -78,7 +101,7 @@ def post_or_put(url: str, data: dict):
         raise e
-def load(obj_pth):
+def load_stac_obj(obj_pth: str) -> Collection | ItemCollection | Item:
     """Load a STAC object serialized on disk."""
     for obj_name, cls in {
         "collection": Collection,
@@ -108,7 +131,7 @@ def get_assets_root_dir(items: List[Item]) -> str:
 def check_items_collection_id(items: List[Item]):
-    """Check that items collection_id is unique."""
+    """Check that items have the same collection_id."""
     if len(set(item.collection_id for item in items)) > 1:
         raise UnconsistentCollectionIDs("Collection ID must be the same for all items!")
@@ -125,37 +148,92 @@ def get_col_items(col: Collection) -> List[Item]:
     """Retrieve collection items."""
     col_href = get_col_href(col=col)
     return [
-        load(
-            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(col_href), link.href[2:])
-            if link.href.startswith("./")
-            else link.href
+        cast(
+            Item,
+            load_stac_obj(
+                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(col_href), link.href[2:])
+                if link.href.startswith("./")
+                else link.href
+            ),
         for link in col.links
         if link.rel == "item"
-def delete_stac_obj(stac_endpoint: str, col_id: str, item_id: str | None = None):
-    """Delete an item or a collection."""
-    logger.info("Deleting %s%s", col_id, f"/{item_id}" if item_id else "")
-    if item_id:
-        url = f"{stac_endpoint}/collections/{col_id}/items/{item_id}"
-    else:
-        url = f"{stac_endpoint}/collections/{col_id}"
-    resp = requests.delete(
-        url,
-        headers=dinamis_sdk.get_headers(),
-        timeout=5,
-    )
-    if resp.status_code != 200:
-        logger.warning("Deletion failed (%s)", resp.text)
+class StacTransactionsHandler:
+    """Handle STAC and storage transactions."""
+    stac_endpoint: str
+    def delete_item_or_col(self, col_id: str, item_id: str | None = None):
+        """Delete an item or a collection."""
+        logger.info("Deleting %s%s", col_id, f"/{item_id}" if item_id else "")
+        if item_id:
+            url = f"{self.stac_endpoint}/collections/{col_id}/items/{item_id}"
+        else:
+            url = f"{self.stac_endpoint}/collections/{col_id}"
+        resp = requests.delete(
+            url,
+            headers=dinamis_sdk.get_headers(),
+            timeout=5,
+        )
+        if resp.status_code != 200:
+            logger.warning("Deletion failed (%s)", resp.text)
+    def list_collections(self):
+        """List collections."""
+        logger.info("Listing collections")
+        url = f"{self.stac_endpoint}/collections"
+        resp = requests.get(
+            url,
+            timeout=5,
+        )
+        if resp.status_code != 200:
+            logger.warning("Get failed (%s)", resp.text)
+        cols = resp.json()["collections"]
+        cols.sort(key=operator.itemgetter("id"))
+        return cols
+    def list_collections_display(self):
+        """Display in terminal a list of available collections."""
+        cols = self.list_collections()
+        print(f"{len(cols)} collections available")
+        for col in cols:
+            print("\t" + col["id"])
+    def list_col_items(self, col_id: str, max_items=10):
+        """List items in a collection."""
+        logger.info("Listing %s items", col_id)
+        api = pystac_client.Client.open(
+            self.stac_endpoint,
+            modifier=dinamis_sdk.sign_inplace,
+        )
+        res = api.search(collections=[col_id], max_items=max_items)
+        items = list(res.items())
+        return items
+    def list_col_items_display(self, col_id: str, max_items=10):
+        """Display in terminal items in a collection."""
+        items = self.list_col_items(col_id, max_items=max_items)
+        print(f"{len(items)} items found:")
+        for item in items:
+            print("\t" + item.id)
+    def get_remote_col(self, col_id) -> Collection:
+        """Retrieve a remote collection."""
+        api = pystac_client.Client.open(
+            self.stac_endpoint,
+            modifier=dinamis_sdk.sign_inplace,
+        )
+        return api.get_collection(col_id)
-class TransactionsHandler:
+class StacUploadTransactionsHandler(StacTransactionsHandler):
     """Handle STAC and storage transactions."""
-    stac_endpoint: str
     storage_endpoint: str
     storage_bucket: str
     assets_overwrite: bool
@@ -165,23 +243,27 @@ class TransactionsHandler:
         col_id = item.collection_id
         target_root_dir = urljoin(self.storage_endpoint, self.storage_bucket)
+        _check_naming_is_compliant(self.storage_bucket)
+        _check_naming_is_compliant(item.id)
         # Upload assets files
         for _, asset in item.assets.items():
             local_filename = asset.href
             logger.debug("Local file: %s", local_filename)
             target_url = local_filename.replace(assets_root_dir, target_root_dir)
+            _check_naming_is_compliant(
+                target_url.replace(target_root_dir + "/", ""), allow_dot=True
+            )
             logger.debug("Target file: %s", target_url)
             # Skip when target file exists and overwrite is not enabled
             if not self.assets_overwrite:
-                sess = create_session()
-                res = sess.get(dinamis_sdk.sign(target_url), stream=True)
-                if res.status_code == 200:
-                    logger.info("Asset %s already exists. Skipping.", target_url)
+                if asset_exists(target_url):
             # Upload file
-            logger.info("Uploading %s ...", local_filename)
+            logger.info("Uploading %s to %s...", local_filename, target_url)
                 dinamis_sdk.push(local_filename=local_filename, target_url=target_url)
             except Exception as e:
@@ -229,6 +311,7 @@ class TransactionsHandler:
     def publish_collection(self, collection: Collection):
         """Publish an empty collection."""
+        _check_naming_is_compliant(collection.id)
             url=urljoin(self.stac_endpoint, "/collections"), data=collection.to_dict()
@@ -246,7 +329,7 @@ class TransactionsHandler:
     def load_and_publish(self, obj_pth: str):
         """Load and publish the serialized STAC object."""
-        obj = load(obj_pth=obj_pth)
+        obj = load_stac_obj(obj_pth=obj_pth)
         if isinstance(obj, Collection):
         elif isinstance(obj, ItemCollection):
@@ -255,9 +338,3 @@ class TransactionsHandler:
             raise TypeError(
                 f"Invalid type, must be ItemCollection or Collection (got {type(obj)})"
-    def delete(self, col_id: str, item_id: str | None = None):
-        """Delete an item or a collection."""
-        delete_stac_obj(
-            stac_endpoint=self.stac_endpoint, col_id=col_id, item_id=item_id
-        )