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Nextflow pipeline to extract syntenic blocks using the MCScanX program.
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Link to running app: https://matrixapp.sk8.inrae.fr
MATRiX is a shiny application dedicated to Mining and Analysis of Transcriptomics data using common biostatistic result files (statistical test result table, normalised data table and samples-groups information). This application helps biologists to perform data exploration with PCA, Venn diagrams, StripCharts, volcanoplots, and Heatmap clustering of genes lists (selecting statistical thresholds) and functional enrichment analyses using a connection to enrichr. https://matrixapp.sk8.inrae.fr
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IRHS-Bioinfo / BiSePS
MIT LicenseBisulfite Sequencing Processing Software : Snakemake Pipeline
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metexplore / cbm / SAMBA-project / SAMBA
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Model to simulate the spread of Map within and between herds via trade movements between dairy herds. Some control measures can be applied. Model is mechanistic and data-driven, stochastic, discrete-time and individual-based.
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BioMa Component of Maize Leaf Area Index in Sirius Quality
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GEAPSI-Bioinfo / pipeline / specifics_Ortho_KB
MIT LicenseNextflow pipeline creating a Neo4j Ortho_KB database.
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Ludovic Mailleret / EDO
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyfichiers de support pour EDO Sys Dyn - MAM3 EPU Nice Sophia
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URGI-Anagen / TE_finder
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0A suite of C++ programs developed for transposable element search and their annotation in large eukaryotic genome sequence. A part of the REPET package.